2010년 10월 2일 토요일

My Research Plan – Still Vague

I have been teaching for about 20 years in public schools. There are two kinds of major duties as a school teacher: subject teacher and homeroom teacher. These two have been connected closely and unable to be separated from each other in my work place. I felt sorry for my class and my students especially at the end of each semester. So I would like to reflect my teaching management skills on the base of my substantial research.

Today, I narrowed my topic to “How to manage the classroom effectively and searched it in Google. I found out the related articles and flipped though some parts of them. Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1993) said “Of all the variables, classroom management had the largest effects on students’ achievement. This makes intuitive sense students cannot learn in a chaotic, poorly managed classroom” As I have taught students, I need more knowledge about teaching and more skills. The concept of teaching requires more than what I defined in the past. I want to look for the concrete problem cases and solutions in the different situation.  Then I will find out general principles for the effective classroom management. I expect that my topic will show enlighten to my establishing classroom management skills and philosophy.

댓글 3개:

  1. 'How to manage the classroom effectively' I also want to deal with this, too.
    I think all teachers may concern.
    I am looking forward to seeing your final paper.

  2. "of all of the variables??" they looked at all variables? no they did not. I suspect they are bad writers. they may consider several variables, but there is no way to look at all of any thing in the social sciences . . . that does not mean that classroom management is not important, but I really question their research conclusions.

    Anyway, I urge you to think about what parts of classroom management you want to explore. what parts are there to classroom management. You need to get a better feel for the range of your topic, OK? Right now, it seems far too wide for a master's thesis.

  3. Wow! You had worked 20years in the public schools. So, you have had lots of experiences. You was wondering“How to manage the classroom effectively and searched it in Google." Maybe I think your students already felt that effective classroom in your class.:D
    Also I agree with your opinion. Teachers need to know more knowledge and teaching. So do that, we need to search the google thesis and read many English books like that. I hope you&me will become more understandable about English than now. Maybe someday. HAHAHA Have a nice day :D
